Octava Foundation (Client), Octava Foundation (Funder)
This research project sought to identify interventions focused on primary-school-aged children that are likely to best address the disadvantage gap in education (e.g., enabling educational achievement, attainment, and development of social-emotional assets) in Singapore and other benchmark countries.
A rapid scoping review of the academic and peer reviewed literature was carried out to identify interventions from the most relevant education systems close to the Singapore context, or those which have traditionally offered inspiration for the Ministry of Education. TIMMS data for Mathematics and Science was also analysed.
The study found that there are differences between published local sources with detailed socio-economic staatus analysis on primary-age school children. While international best practices reommend interventions such as immediated targeted, highly personalised learning support or longer-term efforts to support more holistic social and emotional development, these apporaches need to be adapted to Singapore's local needs. Solutions applicable to Singapore require both vision and realistic expectations.
This project infomred the creation of Octava Foundation's Young Learners Fund, which aims to support solutions, organisations, and innovators working towards closing the disadvantage gap in education for primary school-aged children from scioeconomically disadvantaged families in Singapore. Download the White Paper – Towards Equity Among Young Learners in Singapore here: https://octavafoundation.org/young-learners-fund/