Building Bridges: Improving the Lives and Livelihoods of Migrant Construction Workers in Singapore
This research project sought to understand the attitudes of the Singaporean public towards migrant workers, as well as Singaporean stakeholders' points of view, and the situation faced by similar migrant workers in other countries.
Towards Greater Equity Among Young Learners in Singapore
This research project sought to identify interventions focused on primary-school-aged children that are likely to best address the disadvantage gap in education (e.g., enabling educational achievement, attainment, and development of social-emotional assets) in Singapore and other benchmark countries.
Towards Value-Based Healthcare in Singapore - Perspectives on Past, Present, and Future
This research project sought to provide a current landscape review of Value-based Healthcare (VBHC) in Singapore, so as to better understand how specific aspects of the Singapore healthcare system have shaped perceptions and implementation of the elements of VBHC.